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10 Kilometres Walk

Saturday, February, 25th was Lunar New Year and we hadn't gone to school for sport. So on Friday, Mr. Dhoni asked us for hiking together while replacing sport day-off. He said that it would be good for rebooting our mind and also to increase our togetherness. In the end, we decided to go to Taman Hutan Raya Djuanda and walked until Maribaya.

Saturday morning, i woke up at 6 and started to do a little bit of my homeworks because i knew that i'd got tired after hiked and would just have gone to sleep. Being productive early in the morning is good for our mental health too, fyi. Nearly to 7, i took a bath and continued to go to school, because we'd agreeed to gather there and went to Tahura together with public transport a.k.a angkot.

It costed about 150k for chartered the public transport until we got there. When arrived, we immediately ran to the ticket booth and how excited we were while negotiating the price. Normal ticket fared to 15k/person and after being negotiated we got 11k/person as a deal.

We started to walk soon after i gave away the bracelets to them. Fyi, the ticket wasn't formed in a regular paper but it was formed in a elastic bracelet. So, we had to wear it on our hand.

After about 10 minutes walking ft. running, we arrived in Goa Belanda, and took a pic before going inside. It wasn't that creepy but just cold, very very cold. I imagined of how if i got here at night, maybe i'd be freezing. It wasn't a long cave so we arrived on the other side in 5 minutes and continued to take a rest. Some of my friends bought fresh coconut, ate their snacks, and made a lil vlog. While Ghina, Najla, and I, just sat on the bamboo bench and tried to breathe with fresh air.

We started to walk again, and again. You know, it was like a curve street so there was a time when we went up and there was a time when we went down. The most exhausting thing was when we went up, because it used more energy but also decreased more calories too. So usually, after we went up, we took a rest in a kinda check-point and drank water.

An hour walking, we arrived at the first destination and i saw lots of skinny and dirty deers. I didn't mean to be rude but i'm talking the truth. They didn't even looked like a healthy deer. Their habitat was also looked unorganized too. Mud everywhere dude, i swear. There was no fresh grass. Everything looked so brown. Syilla suddenly told me about this and i couldn't agree more. This deer kinda conservation should be fixed and maintained with professional.

We stayed there for like half an hour and hiked again. Badly, the road was getting harder. It wasn't as smooth as the first one, it was rough at all and also the road was just enough for a person, so it was kinda one-foot-lane.

We finally made it after 2 hours more of walking. I saw some food stalls rented their footclothes to us and we rented 3 of that. We started to sit down and made an unperfect circle but just round and Mr. Dhoni continued to open the main event.

After chit-chatted a lot with him, he allowed us to play truth or dare. It was nightmare, for me. I hate it so muccccchhhhoo. Next.

Before Mr. Dhoni opened the main event, he asked us to reserve some foods first, so it wouldn't taken so much time to wait. While playing truth or dare, our foods arrived and we started to enjoy our dishes.

After full, we went to mushola for prayed and got back home. We had literally so much fun on the way we got back. We sang, we danced, we talked, we joked, we laughed together. It was a quite delightful experience for the beginning of 2020.


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