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Rapunzel by The Brothers Grimm

     Once upon a time, there were a Husband and a Wife, lived in a hut on a village, far far away. They had wanted to have a kids for a long time. Finally, even though the wait was long, their dream came true. The Wife started to pregnant and how happy The Husband was.

     Behind their hut, there was a beautiful garden, full of flowers and herbs. The Wife would always look at some delicious bellflowers in that garden, through the windows. She knew that the garden belonged to The Evil Witch, so she couldn't take it.

     Day by day, her mouth watered thinking, 

     "How wonderful it would be to get those delicious bellflowers."

     She got really obsessed with them, so then she didn't wanna eat anything else. She started to get sick and it made her husband worried a lot.

     So at night, The Husband slowly crawl into the garden to collect some bellflowers. Bad luck, he got caught by The Witch.

     "How dare you steal my bellflowers?", she yelled.
     "It was all about my wife's cravings. She's pregnant and she didn't wanna eat anything except these bellflowers that you plant.", explained The Husband.
     "Oh then, you can take as many bellflowers as you want, but in exchange, you have to give me the baby once it's born.", said The Witch.

     He didn't have any other choice but accept. He didn't want anything bad happened to his wife.
     As soon as the baby was born, The Witch took the beautiful baby girl with her. She named her Rapunzel, in honor of the bellflowers that The Wife has been wanting. The Witch soon declaired that she was Rapunzel's mother.

     Rapunzel's beauty grew and grew every day, as well as her long hair. When she turned 12 years old, The Witch decided to lock her in a tower without any doors, deep in the woods. Every time The Witch went to visit her, she'd say,

     "Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down your hair."
     "OK, Mom."

     After that, Rapunzel would let her hair down, her long blond braid, and The Witch would climb it up.

     Some years later, destiny sent a Handsome Prince around the woods, he saw the very high tower and he suddenly heard Rapunzel's singing,

     "Flower, gleam and glow
      Let your powers shine
      Make the clock reverse
      Bring back what once was mine"

     "What a beautiful voice.", said him.

     But since he didn't see any doors to reach, he didn't know how to get in. He kept coming back for days, until one day, he saw The Witch coming to the tower and calling for The Girl. As soon as The Witch left, he approached the tower and repeated the same words,

     "Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down your hair.

     Then The Girl let her braid down so The Prince could climb up. From that day on, the prince kept visiting her every night, avoiding The Witch. They ended up falling in love and they decided to run away together. In order to escape, The Prince took a silk ball so Rapunzel could knit a rope . 

     But The Witch found out, she decided to cut Rapunzel's hair and abandoned her in the middle of the desert. Then, she tied Rapunzel's braid to a hook, next to the window and waited for The Prince to show up.

     When The Prince came, she saw Rapunzel's braid had already tied in a hook. So he soon climbed up. He suddenly saw The Witch in that tower and she told him,

     "Your beautiful song bird is not here anymore! You'll never get to see Rapunzel again."

     Desperate, he escaped. For many months, The Prince wandered the woods. One day, when he was about to lose all hope, he heard a sad yet beautiful singing. He immediately recognized the voice,

     "It was her!"

     He found Rapunzel, sitting while singing beneath the tree. And so, The Prince and Rapunzel found their way back to the kingdom. They soon got married and lived happily ever after.

The End

After you read the story, answer questions below!
1.  Based on the story, what moral values that we can take?

2. ..., he approached the tower and repeated the same words
    The underlined word has the opposite meaning with?

3. "...she didn't wanna eat anything else."
     What does she refers to?

4. "...and abandoned her in the middle of the desert."
    The underlined word has the same meaning with?

5. Why did the witch abandon Rapunzel away, deep in the woods?

6. "It was all about my wife's cravings. She's pregnant and she didn't wanna eat anything except these
     bellflowers that you plant."
     Change the direct sentence into indirect form!

7.  He didn't have any other choice but accept. He didn't want anything bad happened to his wife.
     Change the indirect sentence into direct form!

8. "Oh then, you can take as many bellflowers as you want, but in exchange, you have to give me the
     baby once it's born.", said The Witch.
     Change the direct sentence into indirect form!

9.  As soon as the baby was born, The Witch took the beautiful baby girl with her.
     Change the indirect sentence into direct form!

10. When The Prince came, she saw Rapunzel's braid had already tied in a hook. 
      So he soon climbed up. 
      Change the indirect sentences into direct form!


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