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Me In The Future: My Dream, My Ambition

    When I was a little girl, I was dreaming of being a Doctor. At that time, my mom was avowed of having pregnancy disorder while impregnate my little sister and it's one of the reason why I determined to be an Obstetrician-Gynecologist Doctor in the future. Besides that, my family, my big family, relied on me. They believed that I was the only person who had many potentials and was the only one that able to become a Doctor among the other family members.
    Time passed by. Puberty hit me not just physically, but mentally. It changed my way of thinking and a huge urge for being independent with my own decision. It started when I was in Junior High School. Technology had developed in such many ways. I could even say that I can't live without technology, really. Because of that, I was interested on working in IT circumference. I believed that I could always grow in conjunction with the development of technology itself. I also realized that technology isn't just my passion that fuels my curiosity but it's my way of life.
    Ever since that, I brought up my strong-willing of not wanting to be a doctor anymore to my parents. Before that, actually my dad wanted me to be an Economic Researcher and my mom wanted me to be a Doctor. I was a little bit afraid of being rejected or underestimated of my own decision. But their reactions were priceless. They were shocked but in a positive way, they really appreciated that I could decide what I wanted in life and they supported me after then. I also told this to my big family, but sadly their reactions weren't as supportive as my parents. I could see that some of them were disappointed of me and my choice. They said, "You could've raised our family status with being a doctor." I felt guilty at the moment, but my determination was strong enough to bury that feeling. Being a doctor isn't just a status. It's a life-time job that someone could never leave.
    I specifically decided my dream campus and faculty that I wanted to take in the beginning of my Senior High School life. It's STEI (Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika) in ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung). Not having interests in learning Biology subject anymore did really strengthen and amplified my decision to not ever dreamed in being a Doctor anymore. A strong-willing and desire of getting accepted in STEI with SNMPTN (Seleksi Nilai Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) not just affecting me to learn harder and getting good scores, but also brought me into attempting as many competitions that I could, especially in Informatics and Computer Competitions. So far, I've just only joined 2 competitions regarding to Informatics, one was the formal olympiad or OSK (Olimpiade Sains Kota/Kabupaten), I got 23rd place from 180 participants, and the other was to-be semifinalist in the Informatics Rally Games and Logic (IRGL): Thrones of The Phoenix that was held by Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. I also won 3 piano competitions in Senior High School, they are 1st Distinguished Achiever at Parahyangan Classical Piano & Violin Competition 2019, 1st Runner Up in Kompetisi Piano Pelajar Opus Nusantara 2020, and 3rd Winner at PCC National Online Piano & Violin Open Competition. My dad said that I have to write. It doesn't have to be a book, It can be anything, journal, research, essay, or even short story. So now on, I'm following the Polgovdays 2020: "Meninjau Problematika Covid-19 di Indonesia" essay competition that held by Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) with one of my extremely diligent partner, Karin. Because of joining this essay competition, It feels like my ability in writing is increasing little by little. It was really fun and challenging for me to analyze the topic and think what is the best path and solution to take off the root or core of the problem.
    While I'm taking my Computer Science Bachelor Degree soon, I'm planning to get an internship with any technology-based company to broaden my knowledge and experiences in working on the field. I also  wanna join as many coding or teamwork project competitions as I can to sharpen up my skill. I also don't wanna waste my 4 years or even faster time of college just to learn, learn, and learn. Becoming part of the HMIF (Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika) ITB is my way to expand networking regarding to my career in the future. Also, I wanna have a part-time job as piano instructor just to get additional income besides my pocket money from my mom. After I finished on getting the Computer Science Bachelor Degree with flying colors, I'm planning to apply scholarship abroad to take my master degree at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore and work at Google, Shopee, or another huge IT company there. Not just wanting to be a worker, I have a dream to build my own start-up company some day in purpose of improving education in Indonesia and change the world.
    Looking deeply into my dream of being an amazing IT expert, I sometimes being insecure that I couldn't be able to survive in the way of pursuing it. The fundamental thing of being an IT expert such as Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Software Engineer, or Web Developer is having an "amazing" skill of logical thinking and way of solving problem in mathematical computation way. And I was insecure of not fulfilling those requirements. But gladfully, Ghina, my supportive friend, said that,

    "You don't know your capacity unless you try."

    "Everyone must have struggles in achieving dream. But you must believe that you can fight it along the way. 

    "Don't afraid to fail. You still have much time to evaluate and try again."

    Those are some sentences that can be life motivational quotes not just for me, but for everyone that is reading this. Allah says that everything is possible in his hand. Our duty as a human is just to give the best efforts and pray, then leaving it to Allah. 


    "Don't dare to dream big."


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