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Showing posts from January, 2020

10 Kilometres Walk

Saturday, February, 25th was Lunar New Year and we hadn't gone to school for sport. So on Friday, Mr. Dhoni asked us for hiking together while replacing sport day-off. He said that it would be good for rebooting our mind and also to increase our togetherness. In the end, we decided to go to Taman Hutan Raya Djuanda and walked until Maribaya. Saturday morning, i woke up at 6 and started to do a little bit of my homeworks because i knew that i'd got tired after hiked and would just have gone to sleep. Being productive early in the morning is good for our mental health too, fyi. Nearly to 7, i took a bath and continued to go to school, because we'd agreeed to gather there and went to Tahura together with public transport a.k.a angkot. It costed about 150k for chartered the public transport until we got there. When arrived, we immediately ran to the ticket booth and how excited we were while negotiating the price. Normal ticket fared to 15k/person and after being negotiat

#EDUPASSION2020: Daryaskara

Edupassion is an annual event that held by OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bandung in order to promote universities. This event held every years so that all of the students from 10th, 11th and 12th grade can decide their future. Beside the students from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, all of the students from another schools can come too. The title for Edupassion this year is DARYASKARA. Around 30 universities joined this event. All of the univerities opened a stand in the yard and along the corridors. Our school looked so crowded because there were so many people there. It was imposible for someone to visit just one stand. They must be visited 3 or maybe until 5 universities stands. As a gift for the students, there were several stands who sold merchandises or even gave it free. Every stand had several (alumni) who could give us informations about their university. With their almameter jacket pride, they looked so amazing and cool that made us so jealous. Besides promotions in

Rapunzel by The Brothers Grimm

         Once upon a time, there were a Husband and a Wife, lived in a hut on a village, far far away. They had wanted to have a kids for a long time. Finally, even though the wait was long, their dream came true. The Wife started to pregnant and how happy The Husband was.      Behind their hut, there was a beautiful garden, full of flowers and herbs. The Wife would always look at some delicious bellflowers in that garden, through the windows. She knew that the garden belonged to The Evil Witch, so she couldn't take it.      Day by day, her mouth watered thinking,       "How wonderful it would be to get those delicious bellflowers."      She got really obsessed with them, so then she didn't wanna eat anything else. She started to get sick and it made her husband worried a lot.      So at night, The Husband slowly crawl into the garden to collect some bellflowers. Bad luck, he got caught by The Witch.      "How dare you steal my bel

School Days Off!

We have already back to school today and maybe y'all wanna hear my boring holiday stories? Um, it's kinda stories before bed cause you might also feel bored the way my holiday was. But, enjoy! So, it started exactly after "The Raport Day" on Thursday, i came back home with so-so feelings. I wasn't that grateful for the ranking and scores i've got, i wasn't satisfied. When some of my friends gave me compliments, i just replied with thankyou, just to appreciate them. Because, i knew that i hadn't given maximal efforts for studying in the 1st semester yet. My mom and dad also didn't satisfied and told me to achieve higher on the next semester. Then, i asked their permission to join a course, so that i'd be forced to study everyday and wouldn't waste my time for unuseful things. Gladfully, they said yes. They believed that i could, and i felt a little more optimist than before. I promised for god's sake, i wouldn't dissapoint