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School Days Off!

  1. We have already back to school today and maybe y'all wanna hear my boring holiday stories? Um, it's kinda stories before bed cause you might also feel bored the way my holiday was. But, enjoy!

So, it started exactly after "The Raport Day" on Thursday, i came back home with so-so feelings. I wasn't that grateful for the ranking and scores i've got, i wasn't satisfied. When some of my friends gave me compliments, i just replied with thankyou, just to appreciate them. Because, i knew that i hadn't given maximal efforts for studying in the 1st semester yet. My mom and dad also didn't satisfied and told me to achieve higher on the next semester. Then, i asked their permission to join a course, so that i'd be forced to study everyday and wouldn't waste my time for unuseful things. Gladfully, they said yes. They believed that i could, and i felt a little more optimist than before. I promised for god's sake, i wouldn't dissapoint them on the next semester.

A day after Thursday, i reunited with my endemic species! It's 9A! My forever favorite people and class on earth. Thursday was being our quality time together after finally passed the 1st semester with quite flying scores. Not gonna be arrogant, but all of us were the big 10, hoho!

Weekends are my lazy days. I usually just took a bath once in a day. Yea, i know. It was disgusting. But, never mind. I often started my day with push rank. The season changed and it suddenly dropped my epic rank to grandmaster again (mobile legends player can relate). Gladfully, it was quite easy to have a win streak cause i was the pro player, *in grandmaster tho* hahaha.

After that, i opened my social medias, looking those random people's snapgrams, explores, stalking 5 minute crafts, cooking vids, and others. My stomach always started to rumble in the morning, so i'd never missed breakfast.

I spent my saturday and sunday as my me time. I could do everything i wanted to. As what i've mentioned in my introduction section, i love piano so much and for this holiday, i covered 2 songs and i've posted 2 of them on my instagram (check it out on @syakirafldz, thankyou).

Next on, i also watched some high rated and new movies. Tbh, i'm not a movie-enthusiast tho, but 24 hours a day would just be boring if i didn't use 2 hours of my time for watching movie.

That's basically things i do last weekend, mostly i just —

The next day, which was Monday, i finally got out from home. Evidently, my dad has planned a mini holiday to Garut, cause he works there too. I went there by car and arrived in just an hour. I stayed for 3 days 2 nights at Sabda Alam and it wasn't that bad. The place was comfy enough to stay several days and had a quite big hot swimming pool at the center of it, so my little brother and i could swim everytime we wanted.

Although Garut doesn't have any malls amusement parks, it has a lot of natural hot water baths. Not also that, it has many traditional foods, such as Dodol, the familiar one. But it's common, right? So, my favorite Garut's food isn't Dodol, but Burayot.

Burayot is one of Sundanese sweet foods that has a hanging form, like a dimsum. It made basically from brown sugar and rice flour. It's best consume when it's still fresh from the frypan. The texture would be soft inside and crunchy outside. If you visit Garut, y'all must try this!

On Wednesday, i went home. Getting back with all of my daily holiday routines, until my aunt called my mom that my grandpa or known as Opa, got sick and hospitalized. We went to see Opa, not long after that. When we arrived, my lil bro was prohibited to get in cause he's still under years. So, i accompanied him to play in an indoor mini playground at the hospital.

After quite long time of waiting, mom and dad came back. They said, Opa had Prostatitis. It was the reason why he couldn't take a pee, so he was forced to wear Catheter to collect his urine. Next day, was the same. I had to accompany my mom, taking care of Opa.

It took 3 days for Opa to finally recovered. So i went home and met my cousins from Jakarta at my grandpa's house (it's from my dad's family). I spent my weekdays there until they left.

On Saturday, which means 2 days before going back to reality, Opa asked his children and grandchildren to play in Trans Studio Bandung. I was so so so excited cause i'd never been to Trans Studio again for a quite long time. After we arrived there, we played. I was the bravest person to play the extreme one, such as Roller Coaster, Giant Swing, Vertigo, Dunia Raksasa, Pemburu Badai, Jelajah, Dragon Rider, and others. I played all of them twice, hehe. We played there almost a day, then got back home.

Finally, it was Sunday! My dad asked me to watch cinema and he said that i freely could decide the movie that we would watch at that day. I chose Jumanji. Cause, i knew that my dad and my little brother didn't like horror and if i chose the cartoon one like Ejen Ali, my parents and i wouldn't be excited, so yea, Jumanji was the best choice.

Okay, so i'm gonna give a little review and rating for this film.
So, it's kinda Action-Comedy movie. If you haven't watched the 1st sequel, watch it first! Cause in my opinion, this movie wasn't as cool and funny as the 1st Jumanji. The plot is quite easy to guess and the action scenes weren't that amazing to watch. Instead, the funny scenes still made me laugh. I'd rate 4/5 for this one.

I went back home right after the movie finished, and it was my time to be productive again. I prepared all of the things i needed for school. I summarized some lessons that i would study in the 2nd semester.

So that's it. Isn't that boring huh? I'm sure that your holiday are more interesting than mine. See you on my next blog!


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