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#CreatorsforChange: Gita Savitri Devi

Gita Savitri Devi, as known as Gita, was born on Palembang, July 22, 1992. She's now 27 years old and married. She's an Indonesian authentic yet now living in Hamburg, Germany. Gita is known by most of people as a YouTube Content Creator, a Blogger, and a Social Media Influencer. But actually, she's a singer too. Not in a formal or serious type of singer but just an ability to sing, cause her voice is gold. If she had to choose between writing or talking, she obviously chose talking. Why? Cause she said that there were so many things that she couldn't say out loud, yet she always found a way to put it into words.
     Gita is known for her cleverness. Actually, before she took her college abroad to Germany, she had already accepted in FSRD ITB, yet she didn't take it. It really proves that she believed on her self-potential to take college abroad. She had already dreamed to take college abroad since she was still living on a Senior High School Drama. So that's why she prefer to not take the FSRD ITB and decided to take a test for getting into Freie Universitat Berlin.

     The story began on October 30, 2010. She finally went to Germany for taking her Chemistry major at Freie Universitat Berlin. She was shocked at the first because most of Germans are pretty anti-social, so it was a bit hard to socialize with them. But that's not a really big deal for her, she said that as long as she still could communicate with them, problem fixed. She's a type of person that pretty careless and streak with her thoughts or opinions.
     Since she's stayed in Germany, she started to be smart on managing her time and also money. Cause when she was in college, she had to separate her time for working and studying. Both things made her realize that finding money and education at the same time is freaking hard. Studying abroad and being far from friends and family literally makes her stronger and more independent on doing something. There, she lived temporary on a flat near Freie. She chose a common room that didn't really took much money per year. She said, "What's the problem of not taking the exclusive room as long as i'm comfortable here?" Besides that, she started to be a hard-working person too. She fully regretted herself on Senior High School for being lazy, not serious, and didn't pay attention to the lesson. And so, she didn't wanna waste her time for unbeneficial things like that twice, so most of her time was used for studying, studying, and studying. Finally, her hard work paid-off. She earned her Bachelor's degree on Chemistry in 2017. Until now, she still lives in Germany but moved to Hamburg, because Paul, her husband, take Medical School there. She's planning to get her Master degree on Chemistry, soon.

     In her spare time, Gita likes to make videos on YouTube. So, besides being a college student, she's a YouTuber too. At the first, her content was just about singing covers and her college life vlogs, called 'COOLYAH' yet now she tries to fill her content with something beneficial for others, such as her perspective on what's happening right now, politic issues, and others.

     By the time, she's being one of the most famous YouTuber with high profit, a hundred million rupiahs per month. She's chosen as an ambassador of Indonesia for YouTube: #CreatorsforChange cause she made an implisit change on Social Media life. Besides that, she had been invited to another countries as a speaker to Turkey, Singapore, Dubai, etc.

     Despite her YouTube channel, she also writes her random thoughts and experiences on her blog 'A Cup of Tea'. Actually, the blog had been existed far before Gita Savitri Devi YouTube channel created.

     On 2017, she finally got married with a kind, polite, and responsible yet humorous man, named Paul. It all started when Gita met Paul as a Medical School student on a university in Germany. They both had the same interest, especially in music, so they decided to make duet covers. As time passed by, they got into special relationship and finally decided to get married.
      After married, they tried to produce their original song titled 'Seandainya' and launched not long after that. So this song is their first single:

     Besides that, Gita also published her first book titled 'Rentang Kisah' and it was once being one of the best-seller books at Gramedia. It's generally about Gita's early life until now. She put all of her timelined story there with details. She also gave some quotes and sayings.

     Although in Germany, she lived in minority, she kept wearing her hijab and maintain her faith and trust to God untill she decided to make a hijab business. She's the founder of Tesavara. Tesavara is actually an online store that becomes real. At first, it just sold colorful hijab and variety of fabric, but now it sold blouse, shirts, and culottes too. Most of the products are basically inspired from her OOTDs. Most of the colors are pastel, soft, and calming so it's not too eye-catching.

Image result for tesavaraImage result for tesavaraImage result for tesavara

"The purpose to live a happy life is to always be grateful and don't forget the magic word: Ikhlas, Ikhlas, Ikhlas." 
- Gita Savitri

This biography is originally made by me, based on my researches. So please kindly give a credit if you want to copy or make it as a reference for yours.

  1. Before she got into Freie Universitat Berlin, she had accepted in one of university in Indonesia. What is it?
  2. Why did she choose a common flat for her temporary dwelling place in Berlin?
  3. When did she earn her Bachelor's degree in Chemistry?
  4. Where does she live now?
  5. How did she become a YouTuber?


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