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Synthetic Biology as The Newest Revolution Era

What is Biology?
Biology is the science of life. Its name is derived from the Greek words "bios" (life) and "logos" (study). Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

Biology has gone through some revolutions and it's divided into three big era. What are they?

1. Discovery of DNA
In this revolution, long molecule that contains people's unique genetic code or known as DNA was found. It was identified by James Watson, The Father of DNA. He used X-Ray to know that DNA has a double helix shape.

2. Human Genome Project
Move on to the next bio-revolution. Generally, genome is the genetic material of an organism that consists of DNA. In this era, many scientists worked on their lab to determine the different between organism's DNA to know the relation between each others, it's called DNA Sequence. It was a bit hard to find out at that time, cause technology hadn't developed yet so it took like a period of time and sold super expensive.

3. Convergence
This era is actually the last biology revolution that we're living now. It's accentuate that biology isn't a single lesson that we can learn it without understanding math, physics, engineering and others. Biology is the life of science.

Now, we're getting into the main topic.

What is Synthetic Biology?
Take it short, synthetic means an artificial material produced by organic chemical synthesis. So Synthetic Biology means creating a new function of organism or fiddling with the organism's structure to develop its usage that has never been exist in the world. The example is, Bacteria A was just used for curdling milk into yoghurt. Then, we add the Bacteria B's DNA into Bacteria A, so then the new Bacteria A can recurdling yoghurt into milk too.

Synthetic Biology can be applicated into many aspects. It can be applicated to biofuel, biosensor, biomedicine, biomaterial, novel chemical, bioremedies or even food ingredients.Take an example again, y'all must know The Switch Toggle. The engineers will just see it as a simple electrical circuits yet the synthetic biologists will see it as a great thing to develop or a media to build their new inventions with organisms involved.

Those things proved that Synthetic Biology does really useful for human's being. It's one step of way to live the future life. But things to remember is Synthetic Biology does have some ethic codes too. So humans can't misuse Synthetic Biology to make crime or delinquency.

That's it. Putting my interest into biology lately, hahaha.
Tbh, got this new science knowledge yesterday. I attended TRILOGY second meet and surprisingly there were 3 college students from ITB, gave a terrific presentation about iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine). It's basically a worldwide competition of making a mindblowing invention using synthetic biology.

For this year, ITB is going to send a team named "SFD-WFD". It's a shortage of "Sistem Peringatan Dini White Feces Disease in a group of shrimps". The point is they're going to construct and redesign the E.Coli Bacteria to signify and identify the cause of White Feces Disease in a few of shrimps before it's spreading all over the shrimps. Pretty cool, huh?


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