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Get to Know Me!

Hello, people of the internet.

I wanna introduce myself as Syakira, the extraordinary girl. My buddies usually called me Syak. It's easier to call my name with just a syllable, right? I was born in Bandung, 11th May 2004 and currently studying as a 10th grader in 3 Senior High School. 

I have lots of hobbies and one of them is playing piano. I do love playing piano cause I feel like I can totally express myself. I've been learning piano, especially Pop and Jazz since Kindergarten. No wonder why my music sense is in control. I once didn't like Classical songs that much yet now i'm learning it. Besides that, i like singing, playing guitar, kalimba, and my one and only ukulele too. The conclusion is, i'm really into music. 

I have siblings. A really really annoying yet lovable little brother, El. He was born in 2014, 10 years after me. He's the naughtiest yet  the most entertaining person in my family. He likes playing, of course. Especially cars and lego bricks.

I also have a little sister, Aurora. Such a beautiful name, isn't it? But she had already died before she was even born. My mom was having a bit serious bleeding which forced her to give birth of my little sister prematurely. I didn't even have a time to see how she looked like. Till we meet again, Sis. In Jannah, InsyaAllah.

Besides my siblings, I also have two heroes who are always be there for me everytime I need them. They are my parents. I'm very grateful that they're still exist in this world. Either mom or dad are my 24/7 support systems that always give me tip-off and bunch of advices, so that i can finally reach this point. I love you both to the moon and back. XOXO.

I like spreading positivities to others and helping friends in need. As what Ralph Emerson, American Essayist said,

"The purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."

As what you've might seen, I'm 100% an extrovert. I like interacting with people around and having any kind of conversations with them. I also like organizing and being a leader. I found that being in an organization helped me to manage my time, responsible, and fillled my leisure day with positive things.

I was once being an OSIS Chairman of 5 Junior High School, 2017-2018. I'm so grateful to have that experience because I got lots of new friends, I was able to see a problem in many perspectives, and obviously it increased my public speaking skill and way of talk and adapt with surroundings. 

Being a part of 3 Senior High School is super challenging and fun in the same time. I wouldn't mentioned it as easy, because it's further than easy. You have to be physically also mentally healthy cause there would be uncountable tasks, quizzes, and exams to kick-off. If you couldn't manage yourself, you would always live under pressures. I swear. I've been dealing with severe stress and anxiety for months.

Cheer up and keep your spirit high, Friends! I'm sure if we're serious in achieving our goals, we're gonna work for that, no matter how hard it is. Keep in mind, that the pain, the effort, the sacrifice, and anything we had done would've be worth after.

"Do the best and let god do the rest."

Okay, i think enough for the introduction section. See you on my next blog!


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