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Suggestions & Offers: Dialogue

Theme: Student's President Selection In August, 3rd, there will be a Students Association Chairman Election of Carnegie High School. A month before that, Ruby: Hi, Kate! Kate: Ruby, long time no see! Ruby: Have you seen our school's wall magazine? Kate: No, I haven't. What's new? Ruby: Students Association hold a screening for 3 Chairman Candidates. How about joining the screening together? Kate: Wow, sounds cool. But, I'm not sure about joining the screening with you. Ruby: Why, Kate? Kate: I'm afraid, Ruby. Ruby: You should try , Kate. You might get new experiences from it. Kate: But, Ruby- Ruby: You'd better not underestimate yourself. Kate: I'm not underestimating myself. I just feel like I'm not as good as you, Ruby. I'm so- Chloe suddenly came, Chloe: Hey! What did i miss? Ruby: Come on, Kate. I'm not as good as you might've thought. Isn't it, Chloe? Chloe: Wait, I don't get it. Is there something wrong,
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